Blue Heeler

Blue Heeler

About the Brand:  An Australian lifestyle shoe brand that is incorruptible in terms of style and quality. Blue Heeler is a family business from Brisbane. The brand persona is everything Aussie. Relaxed, fun loving and happy-go-lucky. Blue-Heeler launched in Germany and quickly partnered with many stores across Germany and neighbouring countries.

Mind & Matter was mandated to take care of the brand in Europe and get the required traction in the new market.


  • Create a brand communication for the brand.
  • Sending targeted traffic to the website.
  • We took care of their social media channels and reached an extensive array of audience through campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Analyzing the brand’s strengths and weakness, the key-points and USPs.
  • Strategizing the line of digital advertising that would make the whole lead generation more effective.
  • Creating awareness through digital videos.
  • Creating an automated system providing 100% response.



  1. We did a Digital Film for Blue Heeler. In 5 months (Jan-May) we got 1 Million (1,323,321) views from Facebook and Instagram.
  2. Video ads are more effective for any brand in the present scenario. They are more approaching and trustworthy. So, we focused more on video content.
  3. To increase Instagram followers we started Instagram Profile Visit Ads, and it gave good results.
  4. One key strategy we used for Blue Heeler was to do spend a small amount of money to promote each piece of content and use it to amplify the overall brand reach.
  5. We created a content strategy that resonates with the primarily European audience. We carefully customised content for better engagement and interactions.



  1. On the Digital Film we got 1 Million Views from Facebook and Instagram and a total of thousands of link clicks in 5 months.
  2. 300% growth in followers/fans on Facebook.
  3. 200% growth in Instagram followers.
  4. We also get high engagements on Facebook video posts due to precise targeting and innovative campaign optimization techniques.
  5. Online sales doubled over a period of 3 months


28 May 2020


An Australian brand in Europe