Items filtered by date: November 2020

How Facebook Marketing can do wonders for Food Businesses in Melbourne?

Restaurant business promotion is a different ball game altogether on social media. You are selling an experience, a human feeling and not a commodity. Hence, your social media marketing strategy should project that imagery in the minds of the audience when they see your brand’s presence on the various platforms. But, now you may start wondering, with all the competitors around how do you make your brand stand out?

There are actually pretty smart tricks up our sleeves to solve your problem.

#Tip No. 1: Invoke emotions -

Consider your brand like a child, build its personality, give values, make it seem appealing to others. Striking the right chord in the hearts of the audience makes them like you more naturally. From a marketing point of view - campaigns that bank on emotional content are more successful than others.

#Tip No. 2: Visual presentation sells -

Show more than you tell. Images, videos, interactive engagement contents, resort to anything. The trick is, keeping it as refreshing as the food you serve.

#Tip No. 3: Make use of colors -

Colors leave an imprint in our mind. Different colors entice our brains differently. You may have noticed several fast food chains use bright colors like red or yellow, while several luxury restaurant brands use dark or subtle chromes like grey, beige or olive. Colors give you visual cues and strongest impulse to consider the brand’s service.

#Tip No.4: Use Hashtags -

If your Facebook page is not popular and small, using hashtags on your posts can help you reach a broad audience. Hashtags make your content discoverable to people and connects your content with relevant themes and interests.

#Tip No. 5: Stay updated with latest trends -

Do what the “popular kids” are doing. By that we mean, be in the know what is happening around in the dining business. Which social media marketing strategies are working and which ones are not? Don’t shy away from jumping on the bandwagon. Staying updated with the latest trends skyrocket your popularity and hence boost your business.

#Tip No. 6: Encourage check-ins -

Check-ins get a lot of attention in promoting your business. Many restaurants provide special offer to their customers when they check in.

Tip No. 7: Share blogs -

Write blogs in a tailored fashion creating your niche for the brand. Share facts, recipes, photos, staff favorites and more. Publish posts about the blogs on your Facebook timeline.

facebook marketing is important

Tip No. 8: Set up food menu on Facebook-

Set up the menu tab plugin for Facebook to take orders online. Allow people to see your menu and order straight from Facebook.Direct the primary call to action button to your food ordering system making placing orders as easy task for the customers.

Leading Facebook marketing company in Melbourne

Tip No. 9: Encourage Facebook Reviews -

Reviews help in decision making whether to buy from a place or not. Encourage your customers to put reviews on FB about their dining experience. Good reviews will help you grade higher in star ranking, bad reviews can serve as a learning of what needs to be improved.

#Tip No 10: Consistent behavior-

Maintaining your online behavior is as important as building it. Post regular content, request people to check your FB page out when they are physically visiting your store, run online contests, produce easily shareable content, etc.

#Bonus Tip: Run Facebook Ads:

There are many kinds of ads that you can run on FB. Choose your goal and create ads accordingly. Sponsored ads on FB have a much higher reach than your organic content. And with the right targeting and a decent budget you can achieve high quality results for your restaurant.

Do you have any questions regarding how FB marketing can help you further? Contact us at and we will get back to you with all the help you need.

Published in Blog